Ingrid Andrén taidetta Kääntöpaikan galleriatilassa kesä-heinäkuun ajan
i n t i m a t i o n s
and / and / and
Soft Sculptures
Ingrid André
Kääntöpaikka Gallery Arabia, Helsinki
2.6 – 28.7.22
Open on Thursdays 10 – 18 (visible partly from the windows)
i n t i m a t i o n s
and / and / and is a series of soft sculptures made of mixed fabrics, clay, acrylic paint, and ink.
The shaping process involves repetitive gestures of drowning the fabrics in clay, marking, folding, and activating them, hiding the marks, excavating them again. I try not to interfere, I stay with and make sure they become, yet I am there. The constant blend of time, body, and meaning currenting through.
The stitches are kept precarious, their stability never fully secured. The edges of the fabrics are gathered close, merged,
overtaken by each other, eventually figuring out, naming themselves along the way. The positions stiffen with time, the folds question what gets focus and what stays hidden.
Shaping the linear fabrics feels like writing and reading at the same time along my biographic bodily happening – self-reflective sudden memories, possible auto-fictions, unfamiliar meanings and shifts in perception – an odd manifestation of fluidity along with
fixities, punctuations, and recurrent forces.
Briefly transgressing my daily narratives, these intimations fill with time and linger on, breeding otherness and intimate together.
Ingrid André is a Belgian born artist based in Helsinki since 2006. She works across contemporary dance and visual arts and is currently finishing her studies in the field of perceptual pedagogy / FULL PRESENCE practice (founded by Ph.D. Danis Bois).
As a perceptual practitioner and pedagogue, she works with both
individual and groups.
Ingrid is interested in how intimate and collective weave themselves together in beings, in bodies, and how they express.
She is curious about what makes and thinks a body. Her work involves practicing thinking, listening, telling, and encountering from elsewhere…from another place in/of us.
Contact & social media
Portfolio www.ingridcatherinea.myportfolio.com
With the support of a Covid grant for artists from TAIKE Arts Promotion
Centre Finland.